Events and Activities

EMAS – CESG Technology
Connect Webinar

EMAS – CESG Technology
Connect Webinar

With the increasing emphasis and interest in innovation and digitalization, SoftBank Robotics is delighted to be part of the EMAS (Environmental Management Association of Singapore) Technology Connect Session organized in conjunction with the CleanEnviro Summit Singapore (CESG) on 14 August 2020.  The 2-hour webinar saw a line up of speakers sharing exciting ideas on innovative products and digital solutions backed with real-life case studies on how companies had adopted and benefited from new alternatives in the market.

Representatives from National Environmental Agency (NEA) was also involved in the webinar, providing updates on the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) grants and application process.

Mr. Eric Lim, Singapore Sales Director, represented SoftBank Robotics Singapore and shared on how robotics can benefit mankind. Using proof-of-concept trials and case studies in his explanation, Mr. Eric Lim gave a detailed and elaborated presentation on how AI-enabled Robot Whiz can help improve overall cleaning efficiency and effectiveness. He also gave a glimpse on the future of robotics as the world move towards a new norm.

The webinar concluded with a really informative Q&A session, questions were evaluated from different perspectives with attendees gaining deeper insights on the various innovative solutions and how existing funding can help bring them closer to their goal of digitalization.

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